10 Most Amazing And Least-Known facts Of Human Body
Of all the natural feelings we, of course, is the closest feeling of our own body. However, the features of the human body is still not fully understood, and we are waiting for a lot of amazing and eerie discovery. We'll tell you about the 10 most amazing and least-known features of our body.

1. Allergy as a cancer prevention
Reactions caused by air-borne allergens - one of the most unpleasant (eg, hay fever). If the products that cause allergies, can not eat, and many chemical exposure can be reduced, then avoid contact with plants, pylyu, pollen is extremely difficult. However, oddly enough, to allergies, there are a plus. It turns out that the air flowing through the allergens in some way affect the immune system and allergies and cancer risk in allergic reduced. Preliminary research has shown that due to the effect of stimulating the immune system similar to vaccination, including allergies much less cancer patients.

2. Syphilis is transmitted through kissing
Sexually Transmitted Infections - the scourge of modern society due to behavioral and socio-economic factors, as well as the lack of medical knowledge. Syphilis - is disfiguring and ultimately often fatal disease, which is one of the most serious problems of sexually transmitted infections. It is believed that syphilis appeared in ancient times from contact with animals and unprotected sex, sexually transmitted. However, as it turned out, the disease can be transmitted through a simple kiss. Infection is caused by the spirochete bacteria, shown in the form of wounds in the oral cavity as well as the hands and face. The first signs of infection - small ulcers in the mouth. If an infected person to kiss another man, in some cases, can cause contamination.

3. Sensation and co-sensation
People often believe in the possibility of a sixth sense. However, actually, one has a much greater number of different senses than 5 recognized. Vision - is actually a combination of a sense of light and color sense. There is evidence that humans, like birds, can detect the magnetic field. People also have the ability to feel your body, known to science called proprioception. The diversity of human perception as expressed in synesthesia or co-sensation when the sounds associated with certain colors or certain colors relate to literary descriptions. A person's feelings are subjective and surprisingly confusing, because the brain simultaneously perceives and interprets the raw data collected from all sensory systems.

4. Allergies to work there
Blaming someone else in "allergy work" often sounds like the banter over the lazy person. But for people with anaphylaxis caused by daily stresses, allergic to work is not a joke. This is a violation and the truth can lead to disability and, in the worst case happens, even life-threatening. The stress at work, some people are covered hives, and with a meal is often made worse. The exact cause of this reaction is unknown, but a similar allergy, called cholinergic urticaria occurs when exposed to high temperatures. Physicians assume that the substances produced by the body under stress and modifying the metabolism associated with anorexia work cause an anaphylactic reaction. Theoretically, without treatment such complications can be deadly.
5. Different color of the eyes and the size of the mammary glands
Humans, like animals, nature endowed symmetrical bodies. However, some people are born with heterochromia or with a different eye color. One eye may be blue and the other hazel. Perhaps the cause is genetic mutation, a combination of different cells. Most people have an inborn trait, but in rare cases it can also be a consequence of treatment. More often than not turn out to be asymmetrical breasts - left breast in women is slightly larger than the right.

6. Herpes - a possible cause of blindness
In developed countries, about 60 per cent of the population carry the herpes simplex virus, which causes skin lesions. Most people take it as a viral disease nuisance, but herpes is potentially dangerous and is one of the major causes of blindness. Herpes simplex virus resides in the facial nerves and in the active phase manifests itself in the form of skin lesions. Sometimes, the virus also affects the optic and trigeminal nerves. During the active phase of herpes can damage the cornea of the eye. Complications may cause keratosis eye tissue necrosis and blindness.
7. Our bodies remember all
In traditional Western models of psychology and physiology of the brain is usually regarded as an intellectual center, where thoughts are formed and stored memories. However, people who underwent organ transplants argue that something in their personality changed. This has caused concern to some researchers, who suggested that people's thoughts and memories can be manifested through the cellular memory of transplanted organs. There have been documented cases after surgery, people have changed eating habits and even sexual orientation. In one, it is a supernatural event, a person, who transplanted the heart of the victim led police to the killer. While no one really can not say whether these changes are caused by the stress of undergoing surgery, or when the same body organs are connected to different people, there is something more mysterious ...
8. optical inversion
When we look at the world around us, we must remember that our bodies do not always perceive things as they really are. When you look at something, the resulting image on the retina is inverted. That is, in fact, our eyes see everything upside down, and only the brain turns the image. The way may be mistaken in this case the brain, opens a huge potential for the manipulation of man. In a series of experiments, the volunteers wore lenses, overturning the world upside down. This change has led to the fact that the brain has ceased to respond to the inverted image. When the lenses are removed, the participants of the experiment for a while have seen everything upside down.
9. Additional ribs
Usually people have a 24 symmetrical fins to protect the internal organs, but about one in five hundred people are born with an extra edge going from the neck and shoulder. Cervical rib or, more rarely, a pair of edges may interfere with blood flow to the hands, causing cardiac pulse when the arm is moving in certain directions. It is believed that the presence of additional ribs associated with genes suppressing the cancer cells, but the true nature of this phenomenon is unknown. In some cases, complications include numbness, tingling, coldness in the hands and bulging bone.
10. toothy babies
Human babies are not developing as fast as the young of other species of mammals. For example, ungulates once born with the ability to walk. Teeth, people generally begin to appear after 6 months, but about one in two thousand baby is born with teeth. Usually one or two teeth. Typically, these are absolutely healthy infants, as this feature is not associated with harmful genetic mutations. However, the loss of these teeth a child can choke on, and yet such infants may be quite painful bite while breastfeeding.