13 Popular Websites, Then And Now
What did LinkedIn look like when you first visited, in 2003? How was The New York Times' home page laid out in 1996? Here we present before and after images of some of the world's most visited sites. Web design, we think you'll agree, has come a long way.
Google — Then (1998)
Stunning Private Projects
South African entrepreneur Elon Musk, founder of «Tesla Motors», which became known as one of the creators of electronic money "PayPal", recently presented a plan for the construction of high-speed transport system in the form of a pipe called "Giperpetlya." This system would carry passengers from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes. Such a futuristic project has already received his share of criticism, and even if something like this ever decide to build, most likely, it will cause a stiff resistance from local authorities.
But then sometimes you want to dream multimillionaire. We offer you a few more stunning designs of people who have money to spare.
But then sometimes you want to dream multimillionaire. We offer you a few more stunning designs of people who have money to spare.
Elon Musk founded "SpaceX" - a private company that designs, builds and launches space rocket. The ultimate goal of the company is giving people the opportunity to live on other planets. In 2012 "SpaceX" became the first private company to your spaceship docked with the International Space Station.
Famous Actors Who Have Committed Murder
Top 10 famous actors who have been convicted of murder is not just a movie, but in real life.
So, we read further interesting information about the actors who have committed murder.

So, we read further interesting information about the actors who have committed murder.

Fay DeWitt
In 1965, the comic actress Fay DeWitt ("Mork & Mindy", "Designing Women") was accused of murdering her husband, playwright Ray Allen. He was killed with a knife to emails.
The Most Expensive Watches Made By Rolex
Mention the name Rolex and you will automatically think of luxury and
ultra reliable watches. Considered as one of the most valuable brands
in the world today, the company is the largest single luxury watch
brand. It produces around 2,000 watches daily and has revenues in the
billions of dollars.
Alfred Davis and Hans Wildorf established Rolex in 1905. Originally
based in London, the company eventually transferred to Geneva in 1919.
The 5 Craziest Black Sheep From Famous Families
by Unknown | 11:28 in crazy, families, famous, members, of |
The 5 Craziest Black Sheep From Famous Families
From Chris Farley movies to Jane Austen novels, fictional stories about
the "black sheep" of famous or wealthy families often portray them as
the truly normal ones, rebelling by daring to be in touch with their
fellow man. And while those people may exist, calling them black sheep
does an injustice to the truly shameful, aggressively crazy members of
notable families.
5. Benson Ford Jr. -- Motor Company Shark & #4. Alfred "Alfie" Ford -- Auto/Chemical Krishna
Detroit may have just filed for bankruptcy, but it wasn't always a charred hellhole of violence and despair where employment can only be found in positioning hats upon Kid Rock's head. That's where old time rock 'n' roll once came from. Cars, too. The early '70s were a good time to be a wealthy heir from one of the Motor City's most prominent DNA pools, the Fords. Japan hadn't quite started kicking fuel-inefficient butt yet, and plenty of drugs and marginal religions were happy to relieve those kids of their trust funds.
9 Gifts Canada Has Given The World
Canada's gift to the world: Justin Bieber
Say what? There are 500 million active users
on Twitter, and as of last count, the Biebs was responsible for 3
precent of the site's total traffic. He’s now got 24 million followers,
second only to Lady
Gaga, and he's 3rd on Forbes’ latest list
of the world’s most powerful celebrities. In an era in which swiping
music is the norm, he's sold 15 million albums. He earned US$55-million
last year.
Why Canadians should be proud: Because he’s the most popular
Canadian export ever. He’s our Abba, our Beatles, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan
rolled into one. And despite all of his fame, and the relentless scrutiny he
surely endures, he’s yet to embarrass us. No Lindsay Lohan crackups,
no Michael Jackson-esque chimpanzees, no public tantrums. A devout
Christian with a relationship with Jesus, apparently, he’s made a
belieber out of us all.
Archaeologists Found The Cross Of Jesus
Archaeologists working at the ancient ruins of Balatlar Church in Turkey have found an important relic. They believe it is a piece of the cross Jesus was crucified on according to an Aug. 2 WebProNews report. Traditionally the cross of Christ is known as the "holy cross."
If You Are Really Music Lover
Intriguing facts about the legendary songs
Intriguing facts about the legendary songs
If you consider yourself a real music lover, then you just need to know this "top ten" unexpected facts about the legendary songs. Read on and wonder.
Queen "The Show Must Go On"
During the recording of the song in 1990, Freddie Mercury was already so ill that he barely moved. Brian May has recorded vocals for a sample of her singing falsetto, because the tone of the song was too high for his voice. "Fred, I do not know if you can sing it at all" - he said Mercury. He replied: "I, b .., I can, my dear» (I'll f ... ing do it, darling), drank vodka, and went and sang it in one take.
78000 People Apply For Trip To Mars
The desire of man to explore new vistas in universe has certainly
touched a new high. The mission to Mars is almost a reality now. With
thousands of applications being received within two weeks of the
announcement of establishment of a human colony of Mars, the craze of
would be astronauts can be well gauged. This mission is being funded by a Dutch non profit organization by the name of Mars One.
A crew is proposed to be sent to Mars by 2022 and given the
physiological changes that human body will experience owing to this
mission, the astronauts who make this trip cannot return to the earth.
Surprisingly, realizing the numerous dangers and prospects of a
lifelong stay on Mars, the future trip has attracted over 78,000
applications. Bas Lansdrop, the co founder of Mars One expects that they
will receive another 50,000 application by August 31st , the date by which bookings are expected to close. Daily life at Mars would be an exciting experience for the astronauts
who happen to be a part of the mission. The astronauts will have to
actively participate in the construction work at the red planet. They
will not only have to install greenhouses but will also be a part of the
research team that will look into the red planets geological history.
The Highest Paid Actress In 2013
Familiarize yourself with a rating of the most highly paid actresses in Hollywood and the fees they earned in 2013. Yeah, considerable sums, we read on.
Julia Roberts: $ 11 million
Julia Roberts rounds-out the top 10 with an estimated $10 million in
earnings for the past calendar year, according to the most recent annual
The Most Striking Geological Wonders Of The World
Moeraki Boulders - New Zealand
These unusually large stone spheres with a diameter of one to two meters lie along the east coast of New Zealand in a place called Moeraki. About where they came from, the people there are many Maori legends, but scientists claim that these boulders - the result of coastal erosion.
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