Wednesday 4 September 2013

Top 10 Wonders Of The World, Which May Soon Disappear

Top 10 Wonders Of The World, Which May Soon Disappear
The top 10 amazing places on the planet, which, unfortunately, is likely to disappear in 2030. I suggest that you plan to visit in the next few years all of these wonders of the world, because then may be too late ..

 The Belize Barrier Reef

The Belize Barrier Reef has suffered greatly in 1998, losing in many places up to 50% of the corals. His corals, as before, discolored - both because of global warming, and because of human activities.

 Congolese basin

Congolese Basin - the second area of ​​the array after the Amazon jungle. By 2040, up to two-thirds of the unique flora and fauna, according to the UN will be lost in the event of lack of effective measures to protect them.
Forests are cut down relentlessly to pastureland, mines, and during the guerrilla war in this region of Africa. Reduction of the area of forest surface leads to a reduction in carbon dioxide absorption, and hence rainfall, which contributes to climate change.

 The Dead Sea

Over the past four decades of its area was reduced by one third, and it became shallow at 24 meters. Former beaches are now one and a half kilometers away from the coastline. The water in the Dead Sea comes only from the Jordan River, but the surrounding countries are taken out of the river, more water. As a result, after 50 years of the Dead Sea does not become.
Moreover, that manufacturers of cosmetics and potash constantly depleting mineral resources of the seabed.

Everglades National Park (Florida, USA)

Marshes, which occupy most of its territory, subject to contamination from the surrounding farms, and the invasion of alien beings.
Not to mention the fact that 60% of the local water supply is pumped to the nearby town and on the farm.
As a result, the area of the park - the only place where dwells the Florida panther - has fallen by half since 1900. For 40 years, the Florida panther, as well as 20 more species may disappear completely.


If you do not save the forests of the island of the African state, after 35 years, they will be completely cut down and burned and their inhabitants will die. Reserves occupy only 5% of the island, not allowing animals to safely navigate around Madagascar.
Some rare species of the island have not even been studied and recorded, and may die before they have time to explore.

 Maldive Islands

If global warming continues, these islands that rise only a little over two meters above sea level, will be flooded. In 2008, the president of the state has announced the acquisition of land in other countries, particularly in India, for the settlement of the citizens who were forced to leave their homes, flooded the ocean. In 2009, to emphasize the coming danger, he held a cabinet meeting underwater.

North and South Poles

Global warming threatens the extinction of 80% of the emperor penguins of Antarctica. In the Arctic, the same destruction threatens polar bears, because together with the melting of the polar ice caps are killed whole ecosystems, including food chain. New ice packs will cease to form in Antarctica for 20-40 years.

 Yangtze River basin

Many observers, including Chinese officials have acknowledged that most of the species of flora and fauna that inhabit this natural region is under threat of destruction.
This stems from deforestation, dam construction and reservoir formation. There is also the risk of an earthquake.
Tourist flows can have a twofold impact on the corners of nature: on the one hand, they obviously impair the ecological condition of unique places of the Earth, only hastening their death. On the other hand, local governments can spend the revenue from tourism on the conservation of natural wonders.

 Tahuamanu Jungle (Peru)

In the Peruvian province of Madre de Dios are almost the world's last reserves of mahogany. And it is growing in the jungle Tahuamanu. But because of illegal logging are shrinking. U.S. bought about 80% of mahogany. Because of each tree can make furniture for a million dollars.
Loggers build roads, allowing you to enter the jungle to farmers and hunters, and this, in turn, disturbs and destroys the indigenous ecosystem. In addition, gold mining, which is in the neighboring areas, leading to pollution of air and water with mercury

The population of tigers

More than half the world's tigers live in India. All in the world in the wild they left 3200, whereas in 1900, India alone there were 100,000. Fully tigers can become extinct within 12 years. To meet the needs of traditional Chinese medicine are killing an average of one tiger per day. Tiger reserves exist, but they do not provide reliable ways of migration of females needed for a complete reproduction of the population.