Monday 16 September 2013

Top 10 Most Dangerous Killer Of Plants

Top 10 Most Dangerous Killer Of Plants
The words "killer" and "plant", it would seem, between a brand not tally. However, there are representatives from the world of flora is indeed worthy of nightmares:

 10. Cape sundew

 One of the few carnivorous sundew plant is the Cape. However, compared with the same venus flytrap, which trap snaps shut with the victim inside, killing Cape sundew, allowing the victim to fully enjoy the fleeting freedom. Nice little pink flowers with a wonderful fragrance attract and catch its prey like octopus tentacles. After catching an insect, the edge of the sheet begins to slowly wind down, and the victim begins to digest, being outdoors. Does not that bloodthirsty enough for the plant?

 9. Mantsinellovoe tree or Mantsinella
Mantsinella is one of the most dangerous plants on earth and even listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This tree - one of the deadliest assassins flora. Of course, very difficult to believe that a tree can kill. "How it interesting way? - You may ask. - Even if you sit and read a book under it? "We would not advise even hiding from the rain under mantsinelloy. Drops from the tree will fall on you already with a poisonous milky juice, which it is steeped through and through. Standing under it, you run the risk blistered from head to toe. The fruit are also poisonous.

 8. Ficus or fig tree
It would seem that the danger may be an ordinary ficus - except that the pot will fall from the balcony right on the head. But it's not so simple. Ent fig tree - it's a real nightmare. The fact that some of the wasps pollinating insects, and if the insect will stop pollinating Ficus, then very soon it will cover "fikusovy 'anger. Interestingly, you ask, how can this ficus revenge autumn? Answer: anger will fall on her offspring. If a wasp build a nest in the wall of the fetus, will cease to pollinate ficus tree casts the fruit, thus destroying the offspring.

 7. Chilean Puya or Ovtseed
In fact, the Chilean Pouilly has another name - "ovtseed." In itself, the plant, of course, does not eat the sheep, but the traps, starting in wool sheep passing by their spines, causing immobilized poor sheep die of starvation. Feast at the plant comes when the corpse begins to decompose. Now ask yourself: "What's worse: a predator that kills and eats the prey immediately or it seedlings?

 6. spurge resiniferous
At first glance, it is unclear what can be dangerous this tiny Moroccan cactus. Needles? No, danger lurks just did not outside, but inside. If a drop of cactus juice gets into the language of man, the last and the only thought in his head would "rather let the water." 
And all because of that cactus juice contains resiniferatoxin. It is he who is that crazy burning feeling in the mouth. It should be noted, baddest any pepper on earth. Do not believe me? For comparison, a standard pepper spray contains around 1.5 million units on the Scoville scale of hotness, the most hot peppers on earth Trinidad Moruga Scorpion - 2,000,000 units. But resiniferatoxin .... 16 billion. In other words, this tiny cactus dangerous as 10,000 cans of pepper spray.

 5. Abrus prayer
Chances are about Abrus prayer you ever in your life and never heard of. This is a plant with small, bright red berries are often used in jewelry or appliance. However, these pretty berries and fraught with danger. In the berries contain a toxin is hundreds of times more powerful than ricin. After eating one single berry, you could sign his own death warrant. But things are much better, swallowed whole berries are safe, as are enclosed in a very hard rind, which our body can not digest.

 4. Cerberus or wood suicide
Cerberus without reason called the tree of suicide. It is not difficult to guess that the tree had in mind people who have decided to take their lives. A unique property of fruits Cerberus is that their flavor is easier to mask the usual spices. After cooking, such as curry - a tree-Indian, you can easily move to another world. By the way, none of the living, for obvious reasons, does not know what the taste of this wonderful fruit. But the fact that it was chosen not only suicide, but hateful to each other spouse.

 3. Ongaonga
According to its damaging effects ongaonga plant resembles a cross between a taser and nettles, but the "charge" of the plants several times more powerful. They say a man slightly touched him, the next minute will lie paralyzed and dream of death. Ongaonga grows up to 3 meters in height and forms a completely impenetrable thicket. Mother Nature, apparently, was not enough sharks and tigers, and she created ongaonga.

 2. Darlington California or cobra lily
If you are naive to believe that the person last link in the food chain, you are wrong. Let me remind you, is dominant in the chain of being, which can feed themselves, and reproduce their own kind, with a minimum of effort. That is why man invented fast food and Viagra. And as we would like to think that homo sapiens - the best hunter on the ground, unfortunately, this is not the case. 
The best hunter is exactly Darlington. In addition to man to satisfy his hunger, it is necessary to do everything myself: cook, chew, etc. While flying to Darlington food itself, of their own volition. Often it is called Lily-cobra. Comparison with the cobra she deserved because of the petal-trapped in shape and color resembling a snake hood. Agree, more than flattering compliment, given that some consider a cobra bite is more dangerous than a bullet.


1. Gura Krepitans or wood-sandbox
The first place is occupied by a tropical plant with the Latin name "krepitans gur 'or tree-sandbox. Although it would be more appropriate to call it a tree - a grenade. Its fruits are bursting with such force that the seeds shoot with speed of 160 kilometers per hour - this is much more than the speed limit in the city. Yes, yes. The seeds of this tree are in the hundreds of meters away from the tree.