Friday 13 September 2013

10 The Most Sick But True Predictions Of History

10 The Most Sick But True Predictions Of History

At the time when most of these predictions have been formulated, they seemed no more than a product of a sick imagination. But still, surprisingly, have come true.

 From the 1660s: "The time will come when people will transplant organs from one body to another

In the manuscript of the famous physicist, chemist and theologian Robert Boyle, which refers to 1660 years, speaks about the future, when "it will be possible to cure the disease at a distance, or at least by means of organ transplants." Given that Boyle lived up to the Age of Enlightenment, an era heyday of magic and superstition, the idea of ​​organ transplantation was a manifestation of an incredibly progressive thinking.
Boyle also belongs to a number of surprising predictions - including, he spoke about the device that resembles a modern system of GPS - "way to find the desired longitude."

 From 1840: Alexis de Tocqueville predicted the cold war
"On Earth, there are now two great nations that started with the opposite position and seems to be moving towards the same goal: Russian and Anglo-Americans ... The points of departure are different from them and they go they separate ways, however, each of them secretly cherishes dream to take over the fate of half the world, "- wrote a French politician Alexis de Tocqueville in 1840 in his" Democracy in America. " In a nutshell, Tocqueville, the two largest states crave power and, in the end, will compete for it. And this rivalry anyway affect the fate of the world.


From 1863: At a time when there were only 60 known elements, the Russian chemist created the periodic table, which accurately predicted the existence of another 40 + unknown elements with their weight and properties
 Dmitri Mendeleev predicted the discovery of the unknown in his time of chemical elements with remarkable accuracy. He began his studies in 1863, when scientists were aware of the existence of about 60 elements. Since then was discovered more than 40. Placing the chemical elements in a table according to their weight and properties, Mendeleev found it empty cells, which, in his opinion, had to be filled. For example, Mendeleev predicted the discovery of germanium, and he even came up with the name "ekosilikon." This element was discovered in 1886.

 From 1865, Jules Verne predicted landing a man on the moon
In 1865, 100 years before the flight, "Apollo 11", the French writer Jules Verne wrote a science fiction novel called "From the Earth to the Moon the right way for 97 hours and 20 minutes." In this book, the details have been described with remarkable accuracy predicted the real details of the flight: launch a space ship from Florida, his name, the number of astronauts on board, and the feeling of weightlessness that they have experienced. In 1865, Verne could not know how to feel the force of gravity in outer space.

 From 1898 Novella, predicted the death of Titanic 
In 1898, the prolific writer and novelist Morgan Robertson wrote a short story called "Futility, or the collapse of Titan." The book accurately predicted and the size of the vessel, and his death from a collision with an iceberg, and the name is very similar. Titanic sank 14 years after the publication of this book Robertson.

 From 1909: Nikola Tesla predicted the invention of wireless personal devices 
"Soon it will be possible to send messages around the world without wires. It is so simple that the average person can own and operate their own apparatus, "- said Nikola Tesla in the New York Times in 1909.


From 1914, HG Wells predicted the invention of the atomic bomb 
In 1914, HG Wells wrote the novel "The World liberated", which described the destruction of the city, "the atomic bomb." At the time, Wells could not know how to actually be a real explosion of the atomic bomb, although he had some idea of the radioactive elements.

 From 1988: Isaac Asimov predicted that we will learn through the Internet 
In one interview, a science fiction writer Isaac Asimov gave in 1988, he almost predicted the advent of the Internet. More precisely, he described a system in which students will have access to a universal source of information. Asimov suggested that a person's computer will be able to get to any library in the world, and that it (the computer) will become "a teacher in the form of access to all human knowledge." Asimov was very concerned about the improvement of the education system and saw the perfect solution to this problem in online learning. 
"The fact that people call education today - just coaching. Children have taught the same, one by one and the same scenario in a temperature and time. But they are all different. One perceives the information very quickly, the other - slowly, others may need further explanation ... "

 From 1993: The broadcast TV AT & T predicted the emergence of tablets as we know them today 
In 1993, the American television network AT & T has released a series of commercials with imaginary technological devices under the title "You Will", which seemed quite incredible. Among them was the device allows you to send a fax from the beach. 
This device, as you can see in the picture looks exactly like the tablet today. 20 years later.

From 2006: The Director-General of Euro Pacific Capital predicted the crisis of 2008 
During the debate on Fox News May 16, 2006 CEO and strategist Euro Pacific Capital Peter Schiff gave an accurate prediction as to what the real estate market in the U.S. is a bubble that will burst soon. 
While most analysts believed that the U.S. economy is in excellent shape and it is not in danger.