Saturday 24 August 2013

Stunning Private Projects

Stunning Private Projects
South African entrepreneur Elon Musk, founder of «Tesla Motors», which became known as one of the creators of electronic money "PayPal", recently presented a plan for the construction of high-speed transport system in the form of a pipe called "Giperpetlya." This system would carry passengers from San Francisco to Los Angeles in 30 minutes. Such a futuristic project has already received his share of criticism, and even if something like this ever decide to build, most likely, it will cause a stiff resistance from local authorities.

But then sometimes you want to dream multimillionaire. We offer you a few more stunning designs of people who have money to spare.

Elon Musk founded "SpaceX" - a private company that designs, builds and launches space rocket. The ultimate goal of the company is giving people the opportunity to live on other planets. In 2012 "SpaceX" became the first private company to your spaceship docked with the International Space Station.

Deep-water bathyscaphe
James Cameron, the director of "Titanic" and "Avatar", has created a deep water device that he used to dive in the deepest parts of the ocean. In 2012, he thus went on the bottom of the Mariana Trench. This year, he presented his invention to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.


Co-founder of the company "Microsoft" Paul Allen invented the "SpaceShipOne" - cuborbitalny manned spacecraft. In 2004, he became the first spacecraft capable of twice within two weeks out into space with people on board.


Deep-sea submarine Virgin Oceanic
Richard Branson, founder and CEO of Space «Virgin Galactic», working independently on deep-water submarine "Virgin Oceanic".

Man's picture
In June «New York Times» wrote about the project multimillionaire Russian Dimitry Tereshkova for which he has already spent about three million dollars. He wants to establish a mass production of avatars with current brain and other human characteristics, as consciousness and personality. Terpsichore such robots will be able to replace the human body, in other words, they can be used to achieve immortality.

 Vacation on Mars
Dennis Tito, a former NASA scientist, executive director of investment company "Wilshire Associates" and the first space tourist, said in February this year that it plans to send two lucky winners to travel to Mars in 2018.


The world's largest telescope
Gordon Moore, the 84-year-old co-founder of the company "Intel" (in honor of him was once named discovery of the law) wants to build the world's largest telescope. Symmetrization construction should start building next year on top of the dormant Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea. The telescope will be three times more accurate than anyone in existence today, and his workspace is nine times greater. According to preliminary estimates of its construction will cost 1.3 billion U.S. dollars.

 Exploration Vehicle
Eric Schmidt, founder and director of the «Google», together with the Institute for Ocean presented a research vessel "Falkor" - a ship, worth 94 million dollars. Today it is called "dream researchers ocean."


Industrial development of asteroids
In April 2012, the company for industrial development of asteroids "Planetary Resources", founded by the founders of «"Google" Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, along with James Cameron, said that by 2014, plans to release the first of a series of small space telescopes that can be used to study close to earth asteroids.

 Watch for 10,000 years
Site Creator Jeff Bezos has invested $ 42 million in the implementation of the idea to create a Texas mountains clock that will run for 10 thousand years. But maybe it's not as reckless as his previous project ...

Washington Post Company
Not so long ago, Bezos bought the company "Washington Post" for the amount by which one could build such six hours.