Monday 5 August 2013

Archaeologists Found The Cross Of Jesus

Archaeologists Found The Cross Of Jesus

Archaeologists working at the ancient ruins of Balatlar Church in Turkey have found an important relic. They believe it is a piece of the cross Jesus was crucified on according to an Aug. 2 WebProNews report. Traditionally the cross of Christ is known as the "holy cross."

Relic found within small stone chest
The archaeologists came across a small stone chest while working in the ruins of the Balatlar Church. The chest bore two crosses which were carved into the stone. Inside the chest were a number of relics believed to be associated with the crucifixion including a splinter of wood believed to possibly be a part of the cross on which Jesus died.

May be one of four pieces of the cross
The Balatlar Church is thought to have originally been built in the year 660. It is suggested that it may have been one of the final resting places of one of the four pieces of wood taken from the cross and sent to parts of Rome, Constantinople, and Turkey. According to St Cyril [315-386 AD]:
"The holy wood of the cross which is to be seen amongst us to this day is His witness. By means of those whose faith has led them to do so, portions of it have been taken from this place [Golgotha] and have been taken to the four corners of the world."
While it is unclear who owned the chest, it is thought it was probably an important religious person who believed the cross relic was authentic. An art historian and archaeologist at Turkey's Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, Professor Gülgün Köroğlu, thinks the chest served as a symbolic coffin for the relics of a holy person. He also believes the fragments hidden within it were associated with Jesus' crucifixion. The entire chest is now undergoing lab tests.