Wednesday 6 March 2013

Top 10 Survivors Of Parachute Jump

Top 10 Survivors After Accident During Parachute Jump

Actually, skydiving is relatively safe. According to most sources, the fatal end (on average) about 30 out of 100,000 jumps. People are more likely to die in a car accident than by parachute. For a clearer comparison, diving deaths on average more - about 47 out of 100,000 dives.

It is believed that the chances of break, jumping out of serviceable aircraft, you have just as much as swimming in shark-infested water. However, every year hundreds of thousands of people jumping from the plane - professionally, for fun and participation in competitions - and the vast majority of land has reached safely in one piece. While in parachute jumping, there is one little point: when something did go wrong, as it should - the parachute did not open or detect similar problems - you do not have much options. Rush to the ground at a speed exceeding 100 miles per hour ... well, you can imagine what it is likely to end. Surprisingly, not every accident in skydiving ending pile of bloody, broken body parts. In fact, there are quite a few people who survived harrowing incidents in the air:
10. Daniel Farr
Imagine the situation and decide whether to make is your first joint jump (in which you his parachute attached to another person, usually an experienced skydiver) with an instructor who may die in the air. Daniel Farr - U.S. soldiers specializing in military intelligence. His girlfriend gave him as a Christmas gift card for a parachute jump. Farrah the tandem partner was a man named George "Chip" Steele, an experienced skydiver, which account for more than 8,000 jumps. He jumped out of the plane for a while was in free fall, and then opened the parachute, as expected.Everything seemed to be going smoothly until he gone to the dogs. Farr said that the chip does not respond to any of his questions, nor the actions (in fact, no action) regarding the approach to land. Despite the fact that the military did not give the young Farrah no professional management training parachute, they taught him to remain calm under extreme conditions. Farr, in this situation, took control of the management of a parachute - just as he had seen on television, of course - and he was able to maneuver quite well, avoiding oncoming trees, and in the end it is safe to land close to the designated landing zone. After that Farr did unsuccessfully Chip artificial respiration. Later, the coroner said that Chip had a heart attack.However, a painful experience was not enough to discourage jumping from Mr. Farr. He expressed his desire to jump again, despite the protests of the parents.

9. Dave Hadzhmen (and a guy named Frank)
 The incident occurred in 1985 in Australia, in Victoria. Mr. Hadzhmen a jump from a height of about 12,000 feet (about 3.5 thousand meters) as a member of the formation skydivers. Things did not go according to plan when Hadzhmen inadvertently opened his parachute, was directly above the other skydivers (and this was a guy named Frank.) Frank also saw Hadzhmena and opened his parachute at about the same moment as the Hadzhmen. Two parachutists were trying to occupy the same space at the same time. As a result, Dave fell right on Frank.Strong blow deprived of consciousness and Frank confused lines of both chute opening. Frank parachute was open and filled with air, while the parachute Hadzhmena released air and curled - men were closely linked. In addition, because, in fact, now one parachute was the weight of the two men, they fell faster than I would like in this situation, in the end, crashing into a crowded parking lot - surprisingly, they landed right between several parked cars. And survived.Hadzhmen got pretty extensive injuries, while Frank got out of this mess relatively unscathed. To his credit, Hadzhmen returned to jumping with a parachute from aircraft flawlessly as soon as his wounds healed.
8. James Boole
 Mr. Bull - TV reporter who specializes in filming skydiving (and participating in) and beysdzhampinga. Beysdzhamping, for those who are not familiar with the term, is a sport that consists in jumping from fixed objects (such as mountains and bridges) and waiting for the last possible second to chute opening. A dangerous thing.During one of these surveys, Mr. Buhl was in trouble. Buhl and his partners perform leap to film a documentary in Russia. Bull, focusing on photography, relied on his partner on the radio when they came to the land, and it was necessary to open the parachute. Communication problems prevented this, and instead to open the parachute, Bull met with the snow-covered ground. Falling from a height of two thousand feet at a rate much higher than 100 miles per hour, usually means a terrible end. However, the Briton crashed, apparently, in the middle of the snow rocky terrain. Bul a broken back and ribs, but otherwise was not so much frayed. The incident, ironically, was captured on film
7. Ivan Chisov
 Chisov deserves a place on this list because of their courage that allowed him to survive in that situation. Ivan Chisov was a lieutenant in the Soviet Air Force during the Second World War. During combat missions, Chisova bomber was attacked and severely damaged by German fighters. While Chisova bomber flying at an altitude of more than seven thousand feet. The extent of his injuries required the crew to leave the plane immediately.The problem was (besides the fact that he jumped out of the plane falling apart) that when Chisovu is really needed to leave the car around there were a lot of German planes and pilots loved to shoot a tempting targets (such as the helpless pilot hanging in air under planning parachute). Chisov jumped from the plane, deciding not to disclose his parachute, until most of the ongoing air combat. Not a bad idea.Unfortunately for Chisova he lost consciousness while in free fall. The sharp drop at about 150 miles per hour - and the unconscious body Chisova hit the snow-covered ravine, rolled, rolled over and crashed on the ground. But ... in spite of a broken pelvis s spinal cord Chisov quickly recovered and flew a few more months. That is dedication!
6. Laris Butler
 Faults in the chute can happen in any country. A young woman from South Africa named Laris Butler experienced it at the time it felt normal parachute jump in 2010. The beginning of this story sounds just like any other similar incident - the usual way out of the plane, followed by a normal, unremarkable free fall (of course, if you can call "lackluster" drop a stone on the ground.)However, what happened next, led Butler to resort to prayer as their last hope. At first she tried to open the parachute. It does not open. After several fruitless attempts, she tried to do the same with his reserve parachute. But he did not open. One can only imagine the fear that the blood run cold, covering the person at a time. Ms. Butler said that the only area of ​​its actions remained prayer. She recalls thinking, "Lord, save me, please." God, so to speak, hear and answer the prayers of the faithful. Impact on the ground from a height of 3000 ft Miss Butler left with a broken leg and a concussion, but alive.But that's what makes this story even more interesting: she said she changed her mind to jump, when it stood at the door of the plane, but the instructor literally pushed her out of the plane, ignoring her protests. Butler describes how she held on to the door frame, and the instructor had to push it a few times, so that it fell out of the plane. Does not the law of this? ..
5. Hans Lang
 Beysdzhamping already mentioned in this article. Looks like waiting until the last second to open the parachute allows you to experience the most excitement. But Mr. Lang received a little more than the usual sense of euphoria during beysdzhampinga, which did not go according to plan in 2008. Jumping from the top of a mountain in Norway, Lang learned of the consequences of poor planning and lack of boldness wings together. Simply put, this means problems for people jumping from the mountains.Height of the mountain, from which sprang Lang, is 1.5 kilometers. Lang was flying at a speed of 150 km / h near the cliff. What could go wrong? Realizing that he and Rock are too close to each other, Lang tried to open the parachute to fly away from her. Unfortunately, in this battle of man against the rock, the rock beat. Lang repeatedly hit the rocks sticking out of the rock, and the lines of his parachute tangled, preventing him to slow down the fall. The flight was over the fact that Lang at high speed down a tree, standing at the foot of the mountain.Not many people can say that they have survived the fall from the top of the mountain, but Lange can. Lang has not only survived, but also of all the possible problems suffered only a broken leg. Not bad, considering the circumstances. This case is certainly not scared Lang, who promised to return to beysdzhamping as soon as he recovers from injury. Oh yes, it was all captured on video, of course!
4. Gareth Griffiths
Mr Griffiths, being a professional rugby player in his native Britain, is familiar with the physical aspect of the sport. But this does not prepared him for the tragedy that occurred during his parachute in tandem. In tandem with an experienced instructor Michael Costello (who was a representative from the State of Massachusetts), Griffiths was going to make a normal jump, safely made to them a thousand times.
However, in this day of the event went very wrong. After the jump from the plane and enjoy a short free-fall, the instructor tried to open the parachute. For unknown reasons parachute opened properly and the instructor did not have time to correct it, as the two flew to the ground. Last effort to save the life of Gareth Costello: for a few seconds before it hit the ground, he rolled over so that his body was between the land and the Griffiths. Gareth survived but was seriously injured back. The doctors were shocked that Griffiths suffered a blow on the ground at a high speed - even with efforts Costello, which reduced damage from the collision of his own body. However, he survived, and selfless sacrifice of Michael Costello, of course, played a role.
3. Laverne Everett
At the age of 80 years, Miss Everett was only one unfulfilled wish - she wanted to jump with a parachute. With the growing popularity and availability of hops in tandem, Miss Everett finally decided ... to do this step! Remember what happened in one of the previous stories? So, to her horror, it happened about the same thing. Determination in Everett markedly diminished when she looked out the door and looked into the open sky - her knees buckled. Her partner on a jump, which Everett was tied, slightly pushed her to the door in an attempt to cheer up, and then they jumped out of an airplane.Unfortunately, it turned out that Everett was not securely attached to their partner as they thought. Almost immediately, Everett began to slip out of the clips.Remember that Everett did not have a parachute, because in these jumps it is only from the instructor. Partner Everett had to hold her hands, so she did not break the ground. Even operator prygnuvshy with them to capture the leap to video, tried to approach them, to help, to no avail. Everett could only hang on your partner as he desperately tried to hold her.Surprisingly, Everett, which seems to have nerves of steel, never even cried during the flight. She later said in an interview that he did not particularly scared. Partner was able to hold her, and they both landed safely. Everett has received only a few bruises and abrasions on landing. But she will have a story to tell their grandchildren. And yes, it was all caught on camera.

2. Nicholas Alkemeyd
The incident with Nicholas Alkemeyd, from a technical point of view - it is not an incident during skydiving, but, nevertheless, he is damn exciting. During World War II, this guy served in the Royal Air Force - was a member of the crew of British bombers attacked by German fighters. Alkemeyda bomber was badly damaged: fired up and out of control. There were two options: either to burn inside the plane, or die in a collision with the ground plane.Having determined that none of these options do not fit him, Alkemeyd decided to jump out of a plane without a parachute (it burned down in the fire!). The bomber was at the height of 5500 meters above the ground when it is ... Alkemeyd took an important decision. He jumped. Brave Brit flew across the snow-covered spruce, which softened his fall, and fell into a deep snowdrift. According to reports, the pilot escaped with only a sprained ankle and shock. After landing, he looked around and began to smoke. Even the Germans, who had seized Alkemeyda prisoners were shocked by this story and gave him a proof of the truth of what happened to him. That's it.

1. Shane Richardson / West
Shane Richardson (West by her husband) experienced what was not to try one, especially on his first solo jump, during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the accident occurred with this young girl from Joplin (Missouri). This story caused a fuss in the media not only because of the incredible fact that Shane has experienced what has survived, but also because she learned of her pregnancy at the hospital in which she was taken after the incident.Sheina story begins almost immediately after jumping from the plane. As soon as she opened her parachute, she made a strong spin. Realizing that the problems (whether it was due to faulty equipment or because of her lack of experience, is still being discussed among fellow paratroopers). Shane cut the straps of his main parachute opened and a spare. This also does not help, because her reserve parachute did not work (again, either because of inexperience girl or due to equipment malfunction.) Shane continued to spin and fell at a speed exceeding 50 miles per hour, to a nearby parking lot, face down.Shane broke her pelvis in two places, got a broken leg and lost several teeth. But most importantly, that it is not born child that she did not know at the time of the jump, unharmed (Shane delivered a healthy boy in June of next year). The accident was captured on video. After that, Shane once again jumped with a parachute, to prove to herself that she can still do it, but then she threw the last jump to jump. At least someone has finally found a bit of common sense!