Friday 15 March 2013

Dishes From Live Animals

Dishes From Live Animals

Some people do not eat lobster because they are trained alive. If you cook them, when the animal is dead, it could be life-threatening, because the bacteria are spread much faster than thought possible. Although many claim that by method of preparation (they put in a pot, which is slowly heated to boiling water) arthropods allegedly do not feel pain, it really is a matter of trust the chef. However, when the animal that you are going to eat, still alive, then it is a different story. Below are ten examples of dishes, which include live animals.

8. Sannakchi
Sannakchi - a dish best served in Korea, and that is probably the best known in this list. Typically, it is filled with sesame seeds and sesame oil, and its main component is sannakchi nakzhi - a small octopus. Usually he, live, cut off the tentacles and immediately served to the client, sometimes the animal fed entirely.

7. drunken shrimp
The dish comes from China, not Japan, and they are not always served in a living form. But when they are served alive, it is done in a bowl with a special drink Baijiu, the alcohol content of which 40 to 60 percent. Another difference is that the main ingredient of this dish are the adult shrimp. Also, another difference is that in the Chinese shrimp dish "more active." She jumps, trying to escape, so the foodie must catch it and kill faster, until shrimp is no escape. It can even continue to move after it has already swallowed. This occurs when the chewing process was not thorough. Extremely charming.

6. Salad with ants
 Noma, originally opened in Copenhagen (recently its "branches" were opened around the world), has a reputation as the best restaurant in the world, has been for the last three years, so it is not surprising that it affects your visitors with innovative ideas. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?), One of these ideas is a salad with live ants. They serve a special salad, which is full of cool ants. The cold makes them move more slowly, and are said to have insects lemon flavor. However, chilled or not, the fact remains that before you ants that crawl on your salad. Many folk eat insects, however, few of them are ready to eat salad with ants for $ 300.

5. Cheese Kazu Marzieh
Kazu Marzieh cheese - is a traditional Sardinian cheese made from sheep's milk. Milk - it is not an animal, so it gets interesting: what livestock eat in this case? The answer is disgusting: the larvae. Cheese stand up to the stage, which some call a state of decomposition. Cheese fly larvae (Piophila Casei) "help" to get the cheese to destroy his fat basis. They begin to eat cheese, making it soft and so it seeps through the liquid known as Lagrima (tear). While some people get rid of the larvae before eating a piece of cheese, many are not confused. In this case, gives advice to close my eyes because the larvae can start jumping in an attempt to escape.

 4. frog sashimi
This dish is relatively well known. As long as any of the institutions are not visitors will order themselves sashimi frog animal calm "lives" themselves in the kitchen. Once the order arrives, her gut and cut spread on a cold dish. Meat sashimi is taken out, cut, and the rest of the frog stew to simmer for soup. Some restaurants offer visitors to observe how the process of cooking, but not so many are willing to use this service. Among other things, it is worth noting that at least an important component of food is the beating heart of a frog. Regardless of taste, of course, there's something crazy.

3. Ikizukuri
It is also one of the types of sashimi, which means "cooked alive". This fish dish. As a rule, in the restaurants, offering a sashimi, is an aquarium with a variety of fish species, from which the customer can choose any he liked. However, by itself, preparing meals has gone much further violence in comparison with cooking lobster.

 2. Yan
Surely each of us are familiar with the concept of "yin and yang", which in this context means "living and dead fish." This dish is very similar to the previous one, but with one major difference. While ikizukuri chopped, cut and fed live fish, "involved" in this dish, completely fried in oil, except for the still-functioning head. Served with sweet and sour sauce, fish, and the living, and her head keeps moving. It is cooked very quickly, but with great care not to damage the internal organs, so the fish stays alive for another half-hour of cooking. The reason that these dishes have become alive to be popular is the fact that restaurants everywhere began to brag about how their food is fresh. In recent years, this dish is causing a lot of controversy, but it is still popular among many people. 
1. oysters 
 Perhaps, this is the least extreme point on the list, because most people who eat oysters, do not even know what to use them alive (this is true, because their appearance is very hard to understand this.) Oysters are usually served alive because their taste death deteriorate at an incredible rate. It is worth noting that even when their shells open, they can survive for quite a long period of time. Only when their flesh is separated from the shell, they begin to die, that's why they seemed to suck out the shells before eating. Thus, despite the fact that the mind is not so extreme, and all ye need to know that they are safe as long as you have not started to eat them. I'm sure many are not aware of this fact, and many will think twice next time, if they want to eat oysters again or not.