Tuesday 5 March 2013

10 Strange Things In The Universe

10 Strange Things In The Universe

The more we look at the sun and the stars, the more strange things we see. Even space itself is puzzling. Recent studies show that the universe extends to 150 billion light years across, and the age of the cosmos is about 13.7 billion years. From ultra-fast stars to the nature of things - especially for you we have collected ten strange and mysterious objects outside of our little world.
10. moving stars

If you ever lay on the southern coast of Crimea in August or just looking at the night sky, dotted with a myriad of stars, you've probably seen the shooting stars. Although in fact it is the meteors are burned (or not consumed) in the Earth's atmosphere. Tell your child that the stars do not fall - and destroyed his childhood dream. In fact, there are shooting stars. One in a hundred million.
In 2005, astronomers discovered the first "moving star", which was moving through the galaxy at a rate ten times higher than normal - about 900 kilometers per second. We have an assumption that runs these few stars in deep space, but there is no certainty. This may be a supernova and a super massive black hole.

9. black Holes

"Curiouser and curiouser," - thought Alice, traveling to Wonderland. Astronomers do not know what could be the country of the black hole. Nothing can leave the gravitational boundary of the black hole - the so-called event horizon - neither matter nor light. Astrophysicists believe that black holes form a dying star with a mass of 3-20 suns. In the centers of galaxies black holes can exceed the mass of the sun in 10,000 or even in 18 billion times. And they grow, sucking gas, dust, stars, and smaller black holes. As for the medium-sized black holes, their existence is, oddly enough, is a big question.

8. magnetron

Sun revolves on its axis about once every 25 days, gradually distorting the magnetic field. But imagine a dying star heavier than the sun, which is compressed and collapses into a lump of matter of a few tens of kilometers in diameter. As swirling ballerina spins faster, pressing his hands to himself and distributing them in hand, a gesture spins and a neutron star with its magnetic field.
Calculations show that these objects possess temporary magnetic field, which is a million billion times stronger than Earth's. This is enough to destroy your credit card at a distance of hundreds of thousands of miles and turn atoms into ultrathin cylinders.

7. neutrino

Take out a coin from his pocket and hold it in front of a second. And you know what? About 150 billion tiny and almost weightless particles called neutrinos just passed through it as if it had not existed. Scientists have discovered that they are produced in stars (living or exploding), nuclear material and during the Big Bang. Elementary particles have three "flavors" and that the most interesting thing to disappear when they want.
And because sometimes neutrinos interact with "normal" matter such as water and mineral oil, scientists hope they can use them as a kind of revolutionary telescope to look into the most remote corners of the universe, hidden by dust and gas.

6. dark Matter

If you take all the energy and matter in the cosmos, zapechete the cake and divide it, the result will surprise you. All the galaxies, stars, planets, comets, asteroids, dust, gas and particles account for only 4 per cent of the known universe. Most of what we call "matter" - about 23 percent of the universe - is invisible to the human eye, and tools. 
Scientists can see the gravitational effect of dark matter at the stars and galaxies, but looking desperately for a way to detect it directly to their instruments. They believe that, along with the neutrino can be subtle and more massive particles.

5. dark energy

That's what really surprise anyone on the planet - especially scientists - dark energy. Continuing the analogy with cake, dark energy makes up 73 percent of the known Universe. It seems that it pervades all space and accelerates the galaxies farther and farther away from each other at tremendous speeds. Some cosmologists believe that this expansion is a few trillion years from the Milky Way will make a "island universe" from which other galaxies are not visible. Others believe that the growth rate is so high that it would lead to a "big rip." In this case, the force of dark energy overcomes gravity and disconnect the stars and planets, the forces that hold the particles together, the molecules of these particles, and eventually the atom and subatomic particles. Fortunately, humanity, apparently, will not see this cataclysm.

4. Planets

Despite the fact that we live on the planet, and the like, it remains one of the major mysteries of the universe. For example, there is a theory that would explain fully how of gas and dust around stars formed the planets - particularly rocky. Not explained by the fact that most of the planet is hidden under the surface. Powerful tools able to shed light on the latter, but we can barely even study the planet in our solar system. The first planet outside our solar system was discovered only in 1999, and in 2008 alone, we received the first decent image exoplanets. Recently, scientists have found, and the smallest exoplanet to date.

3. gravitation

The force that makes the stars burn, the world - to stay together and form of the orbit, with all this remains one of the most common and weak in space Scientists have calculated almost all the equations and models that describe and predict gravity, but its source is absolute matter remains a mystery. Some believe that the gravity meet extremely small particles called gravitons, but they can be detected at all - the big question. However, the active hunt for large perturbations in the universe, known as gravitational waves. If they are found (presumably from merging black holes), Albert Einstein's concept that the universe has a fabric of space-time, will find solid ground.

2. Life

Matter and energy in the universe abound, but only in some places there is enough space diversity convenient conditions for the emergence of life.
And thanks to continued access to life here on Earth, we are well aware of what items are needed and the conditions for the emergence of this strange phenomenon. But the exact recipe of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur are converted in the body is unknown. Scientists are looking for new areas in the solar system where life could thrive (or even could, for example, under the surface of watery moons), in hopes to develop a convincing theory of the origin of life.

1. Universe

Poincaré dodecahedral space. Expected form of the universe.
Source of energy, matter, and the universe itself is the greatest mystery - the universe itself.
Based on the widely propagated waves of cosmic rays and other evidence, scientists believe that the universe was formed after the Big Bang - inexplicable expansion of energy from superdense and superhot source. But here's a description of time before the event may not be possible, after all, there was no time before the Big Bang. Particle accelerators, colliding atoms are trying to shed light on the formation of the universe. And to make it a little less strange than it is today.