Saturday, 19 January 2013

The "ToddleWood": Children As Celebrities

The "ToddleWood": Children As Celebrities

Messer Photographs from New York, USA, is known not only showbiz pictures, but also the specific photo project "ToddleWood", in which she is reincarnated young children in "clones" of celebrities on the red carpet. After the award ceremony "Golden Globes 2013", held in Hollywood, designer Andrea Pitter sewed similar outfits, and Tricia Messer and her team have created images of Halle Berry, Anne Hathaway, Lucy, Taylor Swift, George Clooney and other . In the words of the author, model, posing as the real stars, ignoring the uncomfortable outfits and wigs.
"ToddleWood" - a blueprint for the word "Hollywood"
Miniature "clone" Halle Berry.
Miniature "clones" of George Clooney and Stacy Keibler.

Miniature "clone" Anne Hathaway
Miniature "clone" Kerry Washington.
Miniature "clone" Taylor Swift.
Miniature "clone" Lucy Liu.